Thursday, December 18, 2008

I Won!!!!!!!

I usually don't enter print competitions, but this year it seemed when Seen 2008 (Studio Altius's annual competition) rolled around, alot of my friends were entering and I didn't , of course, want to be left out.

Seen 2008 is a St.Louis wide event where you are judged in rounds and the winners are left to be exhibited in David Cervens gallery for close to four weeks.

I am honored to say, that I won 1st place in Portraits, 1st place in Children, and 1st place and 3rd place in the wedding division.
I was 2nd place overall best in show.

This will be the one and only time I toot my own horn publicly. (Te-he)

Here are the images I submitted that won.


Raquita said...

many many congrats I hang out at Studio Altus soemtimes and I think those images are beautiful!

Von DeVore said...

Hey Jen,
That's awesome!!!! You go girl!!!! Those are great images.

Ms. T said...

Well deserved! Congratualtions (late).


ELisa said...

yay! how awesome! I've always admired your work...and I love the pictures you submitted! Congrats!!!

Davina said...

Congratulations, Jen! That's wonderful. The lighting in that first image is very cool. And that baby on the almost don't see it there. He looks like one of the things that just belongs there.

I'm so happy for you!